Everything You Need to Know About the 9th House in Astrology

Everything You Need to Know About the 9th House in Astrology

Am I the only one who wants a private library in their home? Being able to turn to a book whenever I need to escape is one of my dreamiest life hopes. As lovely as family can be, once my social battery start to go into low battery mode, I recognize the need to isolate myself. Everyone deserves a room or nook in which they can allow themself to drift away from the obligations of daily life. The next best thing is being able to travel wherever your mind feels curious about. We all need a safe place for our minds to grow, expand, be challenged, and be engaged. A place where thinking is allowed, instinctive, and encouraged.

Your birth chart is divided into 12 sections called houses, and the 9th House of higher education and travel tells you how, where, and with whom you seek evolution and deeper understanding. I imagine my 9th House as a library, but yours could look more like a theater or a temple. Aside from being all books and brochures, the 9th House also represents journeys, philosophical ideology, and intelligence. So, your 9th House isn't just where you read and build a vacation home. The 9th House can also help you reflect on whom you seek to learn from, perhaps showing clues as to who earns your respect and the authority figures you look on with disgust.

Just joining us now? Catch up on the first eight houses of your birth chart:

First, you have to start by finding a time travel machine. Travel back to the year when you turned 13 years old, open the window in your childhood bedroom, and wait for a cat to appear by your window. That cat will be carrying a vital message about how to find your 9th house-wait, not all of you are witches? Awkward...

If you never got your invitation to join the coven, the next move you can make is to open up your birth chart and look at the top of the circle. Your 10th House is right at the top of the circle, and your 9th House will be directly to the right of it. The zodiac sign that overlays your 9th house is the zodiac sign associated with your 9th House of knowledge.

Still too complicated? You can use the birth chart calculator below to determine your 9th House placement. Just look for the little "9" in the circle.

This birth chart calculator was created by www.astro-seek.com in collaboration with astrologer Narayana Montúfar. Learn more about Narayana's work on her website www.naramon.com.

The themes of the 9th House all have to do with your willingness to learn and expand your horizons. Surely, more knowledge doesn't necessarily change people, especially if they're fixated on their identity. Someone who is consumed by themselves, also known as self-absorbed, can see the whole world without changing themselves. A perfectly unique and original idea can be invisible to someone unwilling to hear it or uninterested in the notion.

The 9th House is the house of Ph.D.s, Psy.Ds, J.D.s, and M.D.s. The 9th House is dedicated to the preparation of authoritarian pursuits. It's the house of theory, the domain dedicated to getting outside of our comfort zone. In other words, when you're dealing with the domain of the 9th House and its associates, you can choose to stop at tourist traps or have a real adventure.

The zodiac sign associated with the 9th House is Sagittarius, the mutable fire centaur. To fully grasp the absurdity of Sagittarius energy, I recommend listening to the song "My Barn, My Rules" by MCR-T and horsegiirL. Sagittarius's vibe is free, fun, and even sometimes fabulously ridiculous. Being the experts of the zodiac, they run the risk of either being too lackadaisical or taking themselves too seriously. Sorry, Sagittarius! Sometimes, their carelessness comes off as ignorance; however, their avoidant tendencies might make them run away from being called out.

Sagittarius' ruler, Jupiter, is also associated with the 9th House. Whereas Sagittarius brings its sage wizard energy to the 9th House, Jupiter motivates a never-ending quest for abundance and wealth. When you look at your own birth chart, the zodiac sign that falls in your 9th House represents your values and how they encourage you to get out in the world and learn.

Having planets in your 9th House signals an intense curiosity for life's more significant questions and a drive to expand your worldview. Planets in the 9th House will influence how you approach education, philosophy, and travel. For example, if Mercury is in your 9th House, you may be a natural communicator regarding intellectual topics, or you may be a perpetual student. Venus in your 9th House could indicate that you find beauty and harmony in different cultures, or that you love learning and exploring new perspectives. The planets in your 9th House highlight where you seek to grow, reflect, and engage with the unknown.

When planets move through your 9th House, this signals adventure and mental expansion. These transits can lead to deep philosophical insights, long-distance travel, or even a period of intense study. If the Sun is transiting your 9th House, you may feel drawn to pursue new educational pursuits or the urge to explore a foreign culture. When Jupiter, the natural ruler of the 9th House, move through your 9th House, you're likely to experience a surge in personal growth and optimism. You could also receive opportunities to broaden your horizons through travel, higher education, or spiritual exploration.

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