According to a series of studies published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, the pronouns you use affect perceptions of receptiveness, especially when you and another person disagree or argue.
We find that in adversarial contexts, messages containing second-person pronouns ("you" pronouns) are perceived as less receptive than messages containing first-person plural pronouns ("we" pronouns).
We demonstrate that "you" pronouns signal aggressiveness, which reduces perceived receptiveness.
Moreover, we document that perceived receptiveness influences important downstream consequences such as persuasion, interest in future interaction, sharing intentions, and censorship likelihood.
Keep in mind "we" can't be shoehorned in. "We" works when I try to show you how changing a process will increase productivity, but "we" isn't appropriate if I want you to, say, move to a different shift. If you're the only person affected, "we" sounds artificial and even manipulative.
You (oops, we) can also simply choose to find ways to avoid saying "you." Instead of saying, "Look, you clearly don't understand," say, "I'm not doing a very good job of explaining this." Instead of saying, "You need to calm down," say, "I think I've approached this the wrong way. Let me try to explain it differently." Taking responsibility for the situation, and for making the situation better, shows you're open and receptive.