ALTUS, Okla. (KSWO) - With locations in Altus, Elgin and Frederick, Geiger Eye Care can operate all locations while staying true to the Geiger name.
How is this possible?
Well not only is Dr. Mike Geiger an optometrist, but so are three of his children, Seth, Bryce and Madison!
"We always had the thought that, you know, maybe one or two of our kids would come back and work with us, but the fact that all have has been a great blessing," Dr. Mike said.
Dr. Bryce Geiger says they've always known they'd want to return to the area to work with their dad.
"We kind of always had that comfort of knowing, hey when we get out of school, we're going to be able to go back home," Bryce explained.
He also mentioned it eased the stress of graduation.
"I saw my classmates all, you know, stressing about, oh I have an interview with this doctor and that doctor, so if we failed an interview with our Dad, that would be kind of sad," Dr. Bryce joked.
Dr. Mike thanked his kids, as their presence pushed him to continue his work.
"I was kind of burnt out, and busy, you know, working maybe a little harder than I had hoped," Dr. Mike shared.
"It's been kind of revitalizing to me to have them come back and work with me and really probably extended my amount of time that I wanted to continue to work instead of retiring."