I should start by saying I'm a Steve Kostanski stan. Does that make me a Kost-FAN-ski? In any event, his name on a project automatically elevates my interest. This is especially true when he's in the directors chair. Manborg (2011), The Void (2016) and Psycho-Goreman (2020) all showcase an absolutely gonzo approach to film aesthetics and a confidence that the most outlandish premises can result in something hugely entertaining.
His latest film, Frankie Freako is a joyful explosion of weirdness that will immediately call to mind the Gremlins films and all their knockoffs. But it also connected me back to countless other threads of genre history. It's frenetic energy and characters reminded me of Sam Raimi's ultra-weird live-action cartoon Crimewave (1985), other 80's classics like Weird Science (1985) and Terror-Vision (1986) and the TV show Dinosaurs (1991-1994). What I hope what you get out of this interview, is that Steve Kostanski really loves those movies and the heart that made them into cult classics. He also loves being part of the community that builds up around them.