What is open and closed on Columbus and Indigenous Peoples Day 2024

By Ramishah Maruf

What is open and closed on Columbus and Indigenous Peoples Day 2024

NEW YORK -- On the second Monday of October, Americans will be celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Day, also known as Columbus Day.

Indigenous Peoples' Day recognizes the contributions and legacy of those who lived here long before Christopher Columbus erroneously claimed to have discovered America. President Joe Biden formally recognized Indigenous Peoples' Day in 2021 by signing a proclamation stating that federal policies "systematically sought to assimilate and displace Native people and eradicate Native cultures."

Some states officially celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day and others commemorate it through proclamations. More than 100 cities have replaced Columbus Day altogether with the holiday.

Many students across the country will be off from school, though others may still have class. Other office workers will also observe the holiday with a day off, but for those who still have errands to run, here's what's open and closed on Monday, Oct. 14.

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Monday is a Federal Reserve bank holiday. However, markets will be open - Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange will be trading.

Out of the major U.S. Banks, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citibank branches will be closed.

Chase Bank and TD Bank will be open for Indigenous Peoples' Day.

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As always, you can utilize online banking or ATM services.


The United States Postal Service will be closed and won't deliver mail or packages.

However, if you need to get mail out, UPS and FedEx will mostly be operating as usual. FedEx Express and FedEx Ground Economy will have modified service. UPS will fully function as normal.


Most big box retailers, such as Target, Walmart and Kroger, will be open. Make sure to check with local businesses for their operating hours.

Government institutions

Since it's a government holiday, government buildings will be closed - think the DMV, libraries, courts and offices.

Indigenous Peoples Day: Why it's replacing Columbus Day in many places Indigenous Peoples Day: Why it's replacing Columbus Day in many places Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0

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