Department of Dermatology, Hospital San Pablo, Coquimbo, Chile;
Department of Dermatology, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain;
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Hospital San Pablo. Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile;
Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia; and
Department of Dermatology, Hospital Son Llàtzer, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Correspondence: Eduardo Rozas-Muñoz, MD, Department of Dermatology, Hospital San Pablo Videla S/N CP, Coquimbo 1780000, Chile (e-mail: [email protected]).
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Dr(s) E. Rozas-Muñoz, D. Game, J-A. Madariaga, R. Restrepo and J-F. Mir-Bonafe, had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Study concept and design: Dr(s) E. Rozas-Muñoz, D. Game, J-A. Madariaga, R. Restrepo and J-F. Mir-Bonafe. Acquisition of data: Dr(s) E. Rozas-Muñoz, D. Game, J-A. Madariaga, R. Restrepo and J-F. Mir-Bonafe. Analysis and interpretation of data: E. Rozas-Muñoz, D. Game, J-A. Madariaga, R. Restrepo and J-F. Mir-Bonafe. Drafting of the manuscript: Dr(s) E. Rozas-Muñoz, D. Game, J-A. Madariaga, R. Restrepo and J-F. Mir-Bonafe. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Dr(s) E. Rozas-Muñoz, D. Game, J-A. Madariaga, R. Restrepo and F. Mir-Bonafe.