More than one in five adults in the U.S. live with a mental illness. The Onion offers helpful tips for checking in on your friends.
Gain their trust by agreeing with and reinforcing all of their negative self-talk.
Remind your friend that they don't have to be strong just because they're the reigning WWE heavyweight champion.
To get a truly accurate assessment, pose as their psychiatrist for three to five years.
Triage by focusing on the friends that need support, but have some chance of making something of themselves.
Listen without judgment unless it gets boring.
Encourage them to find a creative outlet, but not one that requires you to attend a public performance.
Rifle through their medicine cabinet.
Invite your friend to a fitness class to show them that compared to their physical health, their mental health is pretty strong.
Shushing them like they're a horse is more effective than you think.