12 full moons, 3 supermoons, partial solar eclipse coming in 2025

12 full moons, 3 supermoons, partial solar eclipse coming in 2025

If you want to catch a glimpse of the 12 full moons of 2025, these are the dates, times and nicknames of each moon.

Pay close attention to the three months during the fall season when the full moons will appear bigger and brighter than average, so they will be classified as "supermoons," according to astronomy experts at Space.com and EarthSky.org.

Space.com says the November 2025 supermoon will be the biggest and brightest full moon since 2019, based on its close orbit to the Earth on the day it turns full.

A partial solar eclipse will occur during the early-morning hours on March 29, 2025, with the best views expected to be visible in northern New England states like Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts, according to TimeAndDate.com.

New York and Rhode Island will see almost half of the sun blocked by the moon, while New Jersey and Pennsylvania will see only a tiny sliver of the sun obscured by the moon.

The eclipse is scheduled to start at 6:13 a.m. and end at 7:17 a.m. Eastern time.

Safety reminder: If you plan on looking up in the sky during this eclipse or any other solar eclipse, you will need to wear special filtered glasses to protect your eyes from getting damaged.

A total lunar eclipse will occur early in the morning on March 14 as the moon is turning full. For a little more than an hour, the moon will look like a "blood moon" because it will turn reddish-orange as it moves across the Earth's shadow.

Light reflecting from the sun makes the moon appear to glow in that rusty color.

In case you're wondering, you don't need any special safety glasses to look at a lunar eclipse.

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