The film, of the same name, is expected to be a legal thriller which follows a junior partner at a law firm, played by Holland, who steals $90 million USD from a wealthy client and flees to Brazil after faking his own death. Holland will also serve as a producer on the film, which is written by Graham Moore. This is not the first time Grisham's novels have been adapted to film. Known for some of the best-selling legal thrillers, The Firm was directed by Sydney Pollack and starred Tom Cruise and Gene Hackman, The Pelican Brief famously starred Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington and A Time To Kill was directed by Joel Schumacher and starred Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson and Matthew McConaughey. Grisham was also known for the 2004 adaptation of Christmas With the Kranks holiday film starring Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis.
Tom Holland Set to Star New Legal Thriller 'The Partner'
By Joyce Li