This Was The First Automotive Recall Ever

This Was The First Automotive Recall Ever

Recalls are a pain! Any automotive recall involves the auto manufacturer tracking down vehicle owners. Then those owners have to adjust their schedule to accommodate service appointments to remedy situations. But, as aggravating as an automotive recall can be, they are necessary. They are done because a situation exists where if left unchecked, something could lead to the consumer's injury. So, as annoying as a recall is for all sides involved, they are still needed. In the end, a properly executed recall means that someone can regain peace of mind from having a safe, or at least safer vehicle to drive or ride in.

Most manufacturers have gone through a recall at one time or another. It's not just something that happens to Ford or Toyota either. Even prestigious brands like Ferrari or Maserati have experienced a recall at some point through the years. In short, no brand is spared evaluations of their vehicles by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Board, or NTSB. But, does anybody remember who had the first recall and what it was for?

Recalls Have Been Around For Over 100 Years

Recalls have been around long before the NTSB took control of them in 1966. But, they were not as well organized. Under the NTSB there has been good methodology to the process of getting modern recalls initiated and tracked. With that said, what happened before the NTSB came along is a little foggy. As can be imagined, the records were handled by multiple organizations and the details recorded were not necessarily consistent from one organization to another. That makes the need for the NTSB step in a little more clear.

Who Was The First Automotive Recall For?

So, who was the first recall for? The first automotive recall came over 100 years ago. More specifically, it was issued in 1913 for the legendary Ford Model T.

The real surprise though, is that the recall had nothing to do with a mechanical aspect of the vehicle. There was not a dangerous component to the vehicle that triggered the recall. The engine didn't blow up. The wheels didn't fall off. Instead, the danger came from bugs. Yeah, actual bugs, not the software kind.

What Was The First Automotive Recall For?

This is what can be gathered after searching the internet ad nauseum regarding the bugs and the Model T recall. At some point, Henry Ford discovered Cypress and Spanish Moss are resources that are prevalent in the southern swampy or marshy regions of the nation. For some reason he decided he could use both in a production setting.

This is where things get sketchy with the details. Either Mr. Ford wanted to use the Spanish Moss for seat padding, or he used the Spanish Moss as stuffing for Cypress wood crates. Cypress, of course, would be more valuable to his Model T.

Let me explain. Cypress could be used in the manufacture of the dash and other components for the Model T. The Spanish Moss was stuffed into boxes made of Cypress wood and then shipped north. Whether or not the Spanish Moss was actually used for seat padding or for shipping the Cypress is irrelevant because it's the combination of the moss and the Cypress that became the problem. The two items together formed a small ecosystem where bugs could thrive.

Here is the long story in short format. People were buying buggy Model Ts and getting bit. It became a big enough concern that a recall was ordered. That is the story of the first automotive recall. It was for the Ford Model T for literal bugs that were biting people.

There's An App For That

Today, as mentioned before, the NHTSA does the tracking of automotive recalls. Thankfully, the organization has better and more consistent tracking methods than were available 100 years ago. In fact, the NHTSA has been keeping up with modern times and now even has a way to get the word out there of pending recalls through a mobile phone app. Yup, that's right! A phone app can notify you if your vehicle has been recalled. It is called the SafeCar App and you can find that app here. The app will notify owners of cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, tires, and child safety seats of a recall.

To sum things up, the first automotive recall was by Ford because people kept getting bit in a*#. Today, however, you and I can download an app and find out about recalls before a safety issue pops up and bites us in a*#. So, if you want peace of mind when it comes to the car you use or your family rides in, there's an app for that.

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