A team of linguistics and computer science researchers at Tufts University has unveiled why AI struggles to engage in natural conversations, identifying the content focus of AI training as a key factor. Their work could lead to more human-like interactions with AI in the future.
In an era where AI systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated, researchers at Tufts University have identified a significant gap in AI's ability to engage in natural human conversation.
Human conversation is a complex dance of verbal and non-verbal cues, where individuals intuitively know when to speak and when to listen, often without even realizing it. This seamless transition is largely governed by what linguists call "transition relevant places" or TRPs, points in a conversation where one speaker naturally pauses, allowing another to take their turn.
"[F]or a long time, it was thought that the 'paraverbal' information in conversations -- the intonations, lengthening of words and phrases, pauses and some visual cues -- were the most important signals for identifying a TRP," JP de Ruiter, a professor of psychology and computer science at Tufts, said in a news release.
However, the team's findings challenge this assumption.
"That helps a little bit," de Ruiter added, "but if you take out the words and just give people the prosody -- the melody and rhythm of speech that comes through as if you were talking through a sock -- they can no longer detect appropriate TRPs."
Instead, their research shows that the most crucial cue for turn-taking in conversation is the linguistic content itself.
"What we now know is that the most important cue for taking turns in conversation is the language content itself. The pauses and other cues don't matter that much," added de Ruiter.
To test AI's conversational skills, de Ruiter, along with Muhammad Umair, a graduate student, and Vasanth Sarathy, a research assistant professor of computer science, challenged a large language model AI trained on written content with transcribed conversational exchanges.
The results? The AI fell short of detecting TRPs as effectively as humans.
The team identified the root cause as the nature of the dataset these AIs are trained on. Current AI, including advanced models like ChatGPT, is primarily trained on a vast corpus of written content from the internet.
Sarathy highlighted a critical limitation.
"We are assuming that these large language models can understand the content correctly. That may not be the case," he said in the news release. "They're predicting the next word based on superficial statistical correlations, but turn-taking involves drawing from context much deeper into the conversation,"
Despite efforts to fine-tune AI with conversational datasets, the researchers found inherent limitations in replicating human-like dialogue.
"It's possible that the limitations can be overcome by pre-training large language models on a larger body of naturally occurring spoken language," added lead author Umair, whose doctoral research focuses on human-robot interactions.
He remains hopeful but pointed out a significant hurdle, adding, "[C]ollecting such data at a scale required to train today's AI models remains a significant challenge. There is just not nearly as much conversational recordings and transcripts available compared to written content on the internet."
The study was presented at the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2024 conference in Miami and published on Arxiv.