Weekly Horoscope: December 1-7

By Melanie A. Davis

Weekly Horoscope: December 1-7

The end of the year can sometimes feel like a mad dash to the finish line, but there is more time than it might seem.

The week begins with a conjunction of the still-dark Moon with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. As the Mercury retrograde continues, so do the tech mishaps, personal errors, and other frustrating pitfalls in communication, intellect, and expansion. The dark Moon continues this deceleration, calling us to rest and recharge. The quickest way to guarantee burnout is to deny that you have it, stargazer.

Toward the weekend, Venus conjoins with Ceres under Capricorn. Venus' domain over love and self-esteem and Ceres' influence on our feelings of nurturing ourselves and others further emphasizes the cosmos' call to take care of ourselves. The end of the year can sometimes feel like a mad dash to the finish line, but there is more time than it might seem.

How will your sign fare this week?

The beginning of the week ushers in a challenging square with Venus and Eris retrograde under Capricorn and your sign. While no major players in your Zodiac profile are involved, Eris' placement in your sign has been lending itself to a rebellious streak that wavers from righteous to self-destructive. With Venus in the mix, love and money are, too. This acts as a precursor to the Moon-Mercury conjunction.

Despite what your pride might tell you, you can't keep running on fumes forever. Your mind and body will find a way to get the rest they need, Aries. The stars encourage rest and recuperation in the first week of this year's final month. It's time to slow down.

Aries monthly horoscope

Uranus retrograde maintains its transit through your sign this week, bringing with it calls to innovate, push boundaries, and explore. Meanwhile, your ruling planet, Venus, makes its way toward a conjunction with Ceres under Capricorn. This potent alignment signals a need to take care of yourself or your relationships more dutifully.

On December 5, the waxing crescent Moon offers a much-needed energy boost as it joins the conjunction between Venus and Ceres. This lunar phase encourages putting plans into motion. It's not enough to decide you want to do something. You have to know how, Taurus. Capitalize on this lunar energy by taking some time to make a guide on how you can get from point A to point B.

Taurus monthly horoscope

Your ruling retrograde planet, Mercury, begins the week in conjunction with the new Moon in Sagittarius. While this celestial domain typically promotes chasing dreams and crushing goals, the combination of disruptive Mercury and the restful dark Moon signals potential burnout or project stalls. In either case, a break is necessary.

Mercury's backward motion aligns it with the Sun by the weekend, which could be a recipe for bruised egos. Your adaptability is admirable, but it isn't applicable in all scenarios. Don't get down on yourself just because some Mercurian mistakes happened, Gemini. Use it as a learning experience, and move on. Whether or not it feels like it right now, you'll be stronger for this.

Gemini monthly horoscope

The new Moon begins the week in conjunction with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. As the lunar phase calls you to rest and recharge, Mercury retrograde raises the potential for chaos. Combining their energies signals a possible slowdown or full stop that began out of your control. Regardless, the cosmos urges you to go with this new speed.

By the weekend, your waxing, ruling celestial body conjoins with an already potent combination of Venus and Ceres under Capricorn. With Capricorn's focus on the innermost environment, the Venus and Ceres combination encourages you to find ways to nurture yourself and your spirit -- however that looks to you, Cancer. The growing lunar phase offers energy in putting plans into motion. Use it while it's here.

Cancer monthly horoscope

The Sun is in a tricky position in the cosmos this week, Leo. First, your ruling celestial body forms a challenging square with Saturn in Sagittarius and Pisces, respectively. Your desire to achieve is starting to overpower your need to take care of less lofty obligations and responsibilities. The cosmos signals a need to rein it in and refocus on your priorities as they appear in relation to times of need.

By the weekend, Mercury retrograde's backward motion aligns it with the Sun. Mercury is infamous for its ability to create problems in areas of communication, education, and tech. You might be more likely to take these mishaps personally with the ego-driven Sun in the mix.

Leo monthly horoscope

Your ruling celestial body, Mercury retrograde, forms a potent conjunction with the new Moon under Sagittarius early in the week. This cosmic alignment strongly signals burnout or other potential road bumps. Remember that not every problem is yours to fix, Virgo. Pick your battles wisely this week to avoid overexerting yourself.

In comparison, the sextile between Mercury and Makemake toward the end of the week provides a more positive touch to your celestial forecast. When everything in life seems to be going haywire, get rid of the distractions. Focus on the core values you want to put into the world. Then, get back into the swing of things with that in mind.

Virgo monthly horoscope

Your ruling planet, Venus, moves from its challenging square with Chiron retrograde in Aries to a potent conjunction with Ceres in Capricorn. With Chiron's recent discoveries about your past hurt and how you need to heal from it, Ceres' introduction swings emotional focus toward taking care of yourself during this transformative process.

Personal growth can be and often is uncomfortable, Libra. You must let go of past ideas of who you or others would be to reach this next evolutionary stage. Give yourself time to grieve what never was, but don't let that dull your excitement for what's to come. Great things are on the horizon, stargazer. Keep your eyes focused on the road ahead, not the rearview.

Libra monthly horoscope

The most potent Zodiac-specific alignment in your forecast this week takes place on the weekend, when your ruling planet, Pluto, joins a conjunction of Ceres and Venus under Capricorn. This alignment suggests significant transformation on the other side of this cosmic call to nurture and recharge. It's time to start thinking of your future self when making everyday decisions. These choices have consequences.

Just because you won't experience them until later doesn't mean they're not there, Scorpio. Instinctive Haumea's placement in your sign lends itself to intuitive thinking. You know the way forward. Whether or not your pride is ready to acknowledge it is another matter. This pursuit, like anything in life, can only be made one step at a time.

Scorpio monthly horoscope

Jupiter retrograde finds itself in quite the cosmic standoff by the end of the week, likely ushering in conflict regarding how our ego relates to our values, beliefs, and goals. Your ruling planet not only stands off with the Sun in your celestial domain. But this opposition also contains Mercury retrograde, tucked behind the Sun in your sign.

Your ability to handle most situations and stressors is a point of pride for you, Sagittarius. Consequently, when life comes at you sideways and catches you by surprise, you take it as a personal affront as opposed to just another part of existence. Try not to let your emotions color your reactions to these mishaps. The cosmos isn't out to get you.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope

Saturn forms a challenging square with the Sun and Mercury retrograde by the weekend, ushering in tensions around personal obligations, relationships, or both. The stars urge you to reconsider what you prioritize in your daily life, Capricorn. Clearly, the formula you're working with now isn't achieving a healthy balance. If it were, you wouldn't be having these constant waves of mental turmoil.

Allow Mercury's shake-ups to point you in the right direction. Instead of succumbing to the idea that everything stresses you out, try seriously thinking about which stressors elicit the worst reactions from you. These emotional cues can point you in a new direction of juggling responsibilities to ourselves and to others. Make sure you're paying close attention.

Capricorn monthly horoscope

Pluto's transit through your sign offers significant transformative power, Aquarius. What will you do to capitalize on this opportunity to change? The Moon promises to offer some much-needed insight when the waxing crescent flies through your sign toward the end of the week. Allow your internal state to serve as a compass. What our conscious minds refuse to see, our subconscious minds feel full force.

Uranus retrograde maintains its trek in Taurus, providing a stubbornly hard-working attitude toward areas of innovation and rebellion. The stars have set the stage for you to make a name for yourself. But they certainly can't read your lines for you. Now, it's up to you to forge the path. You're only waiting on yourself, Aquarius.

Aquarius monthly horoscope

Your celestial forecast is fairly busy this week, Pisces. To begin, disciplinarian Saturn forms a challenging square with Mercury retrograde and the Sun under your sign and Sagittarius. Issues with setting boundaries, learning from past mistakes, and communicating your needs are likely to arise. Now's not the time to sit with doubt.

Then, your ruling planet, Neptune retrograde, forms a favorable sextile with a potent conjunction between Venus, Ceres, and Pluto. On December 5, even the waxing crescent Moon joins the mix. All cosmic signs point to finding ways to better elevate and take care of yourself. It's time to start tending to your needs the way you do for others. You've put these efforts on the backburner long enough.

Pisces monthly horoscope

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