AA meetings: Keep It Simple & Early Birds Meeting in person at 7 a.m, Monday through Friday. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Saturdays 7:30 p.m., St. Mary's Church.
Adult Basketball: Sunday 11 a.m., Monday, Thursday, 8 p.m., Shelter Island School. Free, drop-in, open play.
Adult Soccer: Tuesday 8 p.m., Shelter Island School. Free, drop-in, open play.
Adult Volleyball: Wednesday 8 p.m., Shelter Island School. Free, drop-in, open play.
Golf Ladies Scramble: Fridays 9 a.m. tee-off. Arrive by 8:45. Open to the public, all levels are welcome. Regular rates apply. Shelter Island Country Club.
Home Delivered Meals Program: Call Kelly at 631-749-0805 x3 or 631-749-4111 to sign-up or see if you are eligible.
Seated Zumba Gold: Thursdays 2:15-3 p.m. in person at the Senior Center with Susan Binder
Toddler Time at the Legion, 10:30 a.m. (0-4) BenAnna Band Musical Special. No registration required.
Breast Cancer Awareness, 12 p.m. Zoom by library. Dr. Edna Kapenhas speaks about the risk factors, warning signs, and treatment options that are available to patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Register at silibrary.org
Medicare One-on-One Appointments, 11 - 3:30 p.m. Library. Tom McCann from the Senior Service of North America will offer guidance in half-hour sessions.Register at silibrary.org
Career Exploration, 7 p.m. Jimbo Theinert will discuss the Externship Program at the Shelter Island School. Register at silibrary.org
Shelter Island Lions Scallop Dinner, 5 - 9 p.m. Library. Gardiner's Bay Country Club. $60 per person. Proceeds to benefit hurricane relief. Tickets must be purchased or reservations must be made by Thursday, Oct. 17th Tickets at the Shelter Island Public Library or online at shelterislandlions.org/scallop-dinner/
Cookbook Club, Octoberfest, 5 p.m. At the Presbyterian Church. Bring a favorite German-inspired dish and recipe. Register at the library circulation desk.
Friday Night Dialogue, 7 p.m. Library series presents A History of Taylor's Island. At the Presbyterian Church. Register at silibrary.org