●Your degree of hair loss is different than that shown on the side of this carton, because this product may not work for you
●You have no family history of hair loss.
●Your hair loss is sudden and/or patchy.
●You do not know the reason for your hair loss.
●You are under 18 years of age. Do not use on babies and children.
●Your scalp is red, inflamed, infected, irritated, or painful.
●You use other medicines on the scalp.
●Do not apply on other parts of your body.
●Avoid contact with the eyes. In case of accidental contact, rinse eyes with cool tap water.
●Some people have experienced changes in hair color and/or texture.
●It takes time to regrow hair, results may occur at 2 months with twice a day usage. For some women, you may need to use this product for at least 4 months before you see results.
●The amount of hair regrowth is different for each person. This product will not work on all women.