The magical world of Harry Potter brings adventure, near-death experiences, true friendship, and, of course, the mischievous wonders of magic. In a world full of brilliant witches and wizards, one witch goes above and beyond for her friends and her grades. It is none other than Hermione Granger.
Hermione is the epitome of what a little attention to detail can do, both inside and outside the classroom -- whether it's to save yourself or your friends. In a world where dark warlocks and those "who must not be named" roam freely, sometimes hitting the books is the key to defying the odds, just like Ms. Granger. For the girl who's as witty as she is brilliant and book-smart, here are some of the most iconic Hermione Granger memes that'll make you wish you were at Hogwarts casting spells. (Our acceptance letter also got lost in the mail.)