Your Libra Tarot Horoscope for the Month Ahead

By Meghan Rose

Your Libra Tarot Horoscope for the Month Ahead

Are you ready to find out what's in store for 2024, dear Libra? Your monthly tarotscopes -- or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology -- can help you become who you've always dreamed of being. Just remind yourself that energetic change can be a good thing -- it simply allows you to ascend into a new chapter of your life. The question is: Can you show up more authentically and patiently for yourself? Are you open to where the tarot horoscopes are guiding you?

Read on to see what's in store for your sign in the year ahead with your monthly tarot horoscope, Libra. And if you'd like more guidance, check out Glamour's weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs' monthly tarotscope.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based in Los Angeles. In addition to her monthly tarotscopes -- a combination of horoscopes and tarot card readings -- for Glamour, she's the host of the When Stars Align podcast and author of the newsletter "Pragma: Relationships & Astrology." With more than a decade of experience and "eerily accurate" insights, her aim is to bridge the gap between the magical and the material for her community with a grounded and authentic approach. Learn more about Rose on her website and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Substack.

The World: Libra, The World implies completion and fulfillment will be major themes for you this December. The new moon in Sagittarius on December 1 will light up your communication sector and invite in new goals around learning and connection. So, who do you want to grow into? That is the most important question to ask yourself this month, and taking action and committing to these goals will be even more important.

Mars retrograde in Leo on December 6 may prompt you to re-evaluate friendships or close relationships that are holding you back or misaligned with this chapter in your life. Reflect on your view of the world, what patterns have brought you to this moment, and how you would like to move forward with more clarity and alignment in December and onward. Don't be afraid to let go of good for great.

Justice: Libra, Justice speaks to your core values of fairness and balance this month. The new moon in Scorpio on November 1 ignites your second house of finances and urges you to set clear boundaries regarding money and resources.

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