Sengoku Dynasty Farming Guide | How to Grow Food | TechRaptor

By Robert N Adams

Sengoku Dynasty Farming Guide | How to Grow Food | TechRaptor

Our Sengoku Dynasty Farming Guide will tell you how to get started with farming, where to get seeds, and how to save money by crafting seeds from scratch.

There's more to running a village in Sengoku Dynasty than simply building a bunch of houses -- you'll also need to provide your villagers with food and other necessities. In this guide, we'll tell you how you can use farming to meet their needs and get materials for crafting advanced equipment!

You can start Sengoku Dynasty farming by building your first village, traveling to the town of Aratani on the map, and purchasing seeds from the Farming vendor. Just one bag of seeds costs 180 Coins, so you'll need to earn a fair amount of money first.

Seeds and farming fields are split into two types: Land Fields and Water Fields. Land Fields need to be watered with a special bucket crafted in the Workshop; Water Fields simply need to be planted. You'll also need a Hoe to till the fields.

Seeds can only be planted in certain seasons, and some seeds can only be planted in a single season. Some of these single-season seeds are quite important for crafting higher-tier items; for example, Flax (which makes Linen) and Canola (which makes Oil) can both only be planted in summer.

Although you can farm a plot of land yourself, it is much, much easier to assign a single villager to the task. The only tool the villager will need is one bag of seeds for the season. Each Land Farm or Water Farm can hold one crop, and the seed bag will usually last for around one season. As with other tools, villagers should automatically replace them with new seeds if they can.

I recommend working up to 4 Land Fields as soon as possible and adding 4 Water Fields after that. These 8 fields will be more than enough food for a population of 20+ villagers for some time, and that doesn't count the benefits of cooking food.

Fields must be at least 2x2 in size. I recommend going with a 4x5 or 5x5 configuration at the minimum to maximize your production.

There are two ways to get seeds in Sengoku Dynasty:

Unfortunately, you won't be able to unlock the Tailor Workshop until you've advanced your Dynasty Level a few levels.

You can craft Seeds in Sengoku Dynasty by building a Tailor Workshop, going to the Tailor's Workbench, and crafting the seed recipe from that interface. Each seed recipe will take a few Fur and a certain amount of the base crop; for example, you'll need Fur and Rice in order to make Rice Seeds.

It is usually much cheaper to craft seeds than it is to buy them. You can buy raw food from most food merchants, and you may be able to buy Fur from hunting merchants in the town of Segi. You can also occasionally find crops in the wild.

Finally, you should keep in mind that you won't be able to harvest Fur from animals until you've unlocked the "Animal Trophy Hunter" perk in the Water of the Warrior perk tree. If you plan on collecting these items yourself, make sure you invest in the necessary hunting perks!

We're at the end of our Sengoku Dynasty Farming Guide, but there's plenty more to explore -- check out our other guides below!

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