September is Suicide Awareness Month, and many Idaho schools have spent the last couple of weeks trying to raise awareness about the problem. Parents who believe their kids are being targeted by a bully need to be aware of behavioral changes in them that might be a response to being harassed by a peer.
Despite school efforts to curb bullying in the United States, it's still a major issue that is causing a large number of youths in America to follow through with self-harming or something far more drastic. Targets of bullying are between two and nine times more likely to consider suicide, according to Bullying Recovery Resource Center data.
Most schools in Idaho are equipped to handle students who are victims of bullying. School counseling and strict, anti-bullying measures are two such responses academic institutions regularly carry out in these types of situations.
Targets of bullying tend to display some key warning signs such as attempting to fake illnesses to avoid classes, declining grades, repeatedly losing personal items, unexplained injuries, and a decrease in social interactions, according to
Every year, youths across the country resort to suicide due to harassment from peers, and many times the parents never see it coming. Apart from the help schools can provide for bullying victims, national crisis counselors are also standing by ready to assist. As parents, we need to pay attention to these warning signs and ensure our kids know they will be supported throughout the process.