The motion poster, shared by Lyca Productions on their official X (formerly Twitter) handle, introduces the lead character, played by Sundeep Kishan. The gripping visual shows Sundeep and Janson Sanjay seated in a library called 'Indira Library,' surrounded by stacks of cash -- a scene that hints at a tale of intrigue, power, and mystery. The motion poster sets the tone for the film, offering fans a glimpse of the suspense and drama that will unfold.
In the post, Lyca Productions expressed their excitement for the film, stating, "A new chapter unfolds as we welcome our exceptional cast & crew - @sundeepkishan, @MusicThaman, @Cinemainmygenes on board for JASON SANJAY-01, On floors soon." The film, tentatively titled Jason Sanjay 01, will be bankrolled by Lyca Productions and is slated to begin shooting soon. With the involvement of Sundeep Kishan in the lead role, music by Thaman S, and editing by Praveen KL, the film promises to be a gripping and high-energy cinematic experience.
Fans of both Vijay and Sundeep Kishan, as well as those looking forward to fresh, intense storytelling, will be eager to see how Jason Sanjay 01 unfolds. The filmmakers have promised a unique, edge-of-your-seat thriller that's bound to captivate audiences. The film is expected to hit the screens in the near future, with production kicking off shortly. Stay tuned for more updates on this much-anticipated project.