Set in the rural heartlands of Ajmer, Kicking Balls chronicles the inspiring story of 300 girls from a small village who have taken up football as a form of resistance against the oppressive system of child marriage. The documentary focuses not only on their athletic abilities but also on their fight for gender equality, freedom, and a life beyond the limitations set by traditional norms. The trailer promises an emotional and impactful journey as these young athletes defy societal expectations and challenge the status quo, one football match at a time.
What makes Kicking Balls even more significant is the all-women crew behind the camera, led by director Vijayeta Kumar, whose vision captures both the social challenges and the transformative power of sports in empowering women. This marks a significant step toward addressing the under-representation of women behind the camera in the film industry, further amplifying the voices of women in cinema.
In the words of Sikhya Entertainment, the film's message is clear: "It's time to break the shackles of child marriage, with football!" The trailer teases a poignant and uplifting documentary that not only tackles important social issues but also showcases the determination and strength of young women challenging the deep-rooted cultural practices that threaten their future. Kicking Balls is set to be a powerful statement on the intersection of gender, sport, and social change.
Kicking Balls will release on Prasar Bharti's newly launched OTT platform - WAVES.