Proposed 2025-2026 hunting seasons

By Joe Macaluso

Proposed 2025-2026 hunting seasons

Seasons dates for resident game and migratory waterfowl/birds were outlined by the Wildlife Division of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries during Tuesday's Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting in Baton Rouge. Public comment on these season dates will be accepted through 4 p.m. March 6 and can be sent to Jeff Duguay, LDWF Wildlife Division, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA, 70898-9000 or email:



Either-sex deer take allowed unless there is a bucks-only season in progress. Archery season allows either-sex deer to be taken except when a bucks-only firearms season is in progress. Daily limit remains 2 (1 antlered/1antlerless). Season limit remains 6 (no more than 3 antlered/4 antlerless) except where noted; Area 4 change to 4 per season (2 antlered/2antlerless) & Area 10 is 3 (2 antlered and 1 antlerless or 1 antlered/2 antlerless)

Area 1:Archery, Oct. 1-Jan. 31; Primitive Firearms, Nov. 8-14 & Jan. 19-31; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Nov. 15-Dec. 5 & Jan. 5-18; with/without dogs, Dec. 6-Jan. 4; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Oct. 25-31.

Area 2: Archery, Oct. 1-Jan. 31; Primitive Firearms, Oct. 18-24 & Jan. 12-18; Modern Firearms/still hunt only, Oct. 25-Dec. 2; with/without dogs, Dec. 3-Jan. 11; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Oct. 11-17.

Area 3: Archery, Sept. 20-Jan. 15; Primitive Firearms, Oct. 11-17 & Jan. 5-11; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Oct. 18-Nov. 30; with/without dogs, Dec. 1-Jan. 4; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Sept. 27-Oct. 3.

Area 4: Archery, Oct. 1-Jan. 31; Primitive Firearms, Nov. 8-14 & Jan 19-31; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Nov. 15-Dec. 5 & Jan. 5-18; with/without dogs, Dec. 6-Jan. 4; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Oct. 25-31.

Area 5: Archery, Oct. 1-15, bucks only & Oct. 16-Feb. 15; Primitive Firearms, Nov. 8-14, either sex & Jan. 19-31, bucks only; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Nov. 15-Dec. 5, bucks only except either-sex take allowed Nov. 15-16 & Nov. 28-30; with/without dogs, Dec. 6-Jan. 18, bucks only except either-sex take allowed Dec. 6-7 & Dec. 13-14 ; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Oct. 25-31.

Area 6: Archery, Oct. 1-15, bucks only & Oct. 16-Feb. 15; Primitive Firearms, Nov. 8-14 & Jan. 19-31; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Nov. 15-Dec. 5; with/without dogs, Dec. 6-Jan. 18; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Oct. 25-31.

Area 7: Archery, Sept. 20-Jan. 15; Primitive Firearms, Oct. 11-17 & Jan. 5-11; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Oct. 18-Nov. 30; with/without dogs, Dec. 1-Jan. 4; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Sept. 27-Oct. 3.

Area 8: Archery, Sept. 20-Jan. 15; Primitive Firearms, Oct. 11-17 & Jan. 5-11; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Oct. 18-Nov. 30; with/without dogs, Dec. 1-Jan. 4; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Sept. 27-Oct. 3.

Area 9: Archery, Oct. 1-15, bucks only & Oct. 16-Feb. 15; Primitive Firearms, Nov. 8-14, either sex & Jan. 19-31, bucks only; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Nov. 15-Dec. 5, bucks only except either-sex take allowed Nov. 15-16 & Nov. 28-30; with/without dogs, Dec. 6-Jan. 18, bucks only except either-sex take allowed Dec. 6-7 & Dec. 13-14; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Oct. 25-31.

Area 10: Archery, Sept. 20-Jan. 15; Primitive Firearms, Oct. 11-17 & Jan. 5-11; Modern Firearms/still-hunt only, Oct. 18-Jan. 4; Youth-only and honorably discharged veterans, Sept. 27-Oct. 3.

RABBITS: Statewide, Oct. 4-Feb. 28, private lands only.

QUAIL: Nov. 15-Feb. 28, statewide, private lands only.

SQUIRRELS: Statewide, Oct. 4-Feb. 28 & May 2-24 (2026), private lands only.

TURKEY (2026)

Area A: April 3-May 3. Area B: April 3-26. Area C: April 3-19. Youth/Physically Challenged weekend: March 28-29.


DOVES (three splits): South Zone: Sept. 6-21, Oct. 18-Nov. 30 & Dec. 13-Jan. 11; North Zone: Sept. 6-28, Oct. 11-Nov. 16 and Dec. 20-Jan. 18.

DUCKS, COOTS & MERGANSERS: West Zone, Nov. 8-30, Dec. 13-Jan. 18 with youth-only weekend Nov. 1-2 & veterans-only weekend Jan. 24-25; East Zone, Nov. 15-30 & Dec. 13-Jan. 25 with youth-only weekend Nov. 8-9 & veterans-only weekend Jan. 30-31.

GEESE: East & West zones, Nov. 1-30 & Dec. 13-Jan. 25. Includes Canada, blue, snow & Ross' & specklebellies. Take of Canada geese prohibited in portions of Cameron & Vermilion parishes.

GEESE/CONSERVATION ORDER: East & West zones, Dec. 1-12 & Jan. 26-March 1. Limited to take of blue, snow and Ross' geese only. No daily nor possession limits. Hunters allowed to use electronic calls and shotguns capable of holding more than three shells.

RAILS/GALLINULES: Sept. 20-28 & Nov. 8-Jan. 7, statewide.

SNIPE: Nov. 1-30 & Dec. 14-Feb. 28, statewide.

TEAL: Sept. 20-28, statewide.

WOODCOCK: Dec. 18-Jan. 31, statewide.

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