Harvest treats for a Shelter Island holiday weekend - Shelter Island Reporter

By Susan Carey Dempsey

Harvest treats for a Shelter Island holiday weekend - Shelter Island Reporter

The Havens Farmers Market has been one of the anchors of every summer weekend on the Island, and the Shelter Island Historical Society is going to wrap up the season this Saturday with a Harvest Festival, celebrating the farms and fresh food purveyors and craftspeople that surround us.

In addition to the vendors of produce, fresh fish and handmade items who are a regular attraction, there will be "honey harvest demonstrations" from Promiseland Apiary, children's story time with Sara from Shelter Island Library, a jewelry beading station with Deebeadables, an art booth with Jude Amsel, and face painting with Sonomi of KK's The Farm.

You can dance to live music from Tom and Lisa, snack on delicious food offerings from the Stars Café Food Truck, or indulge in seasonal treats like hot cider and donuts. The usual hours have been extended from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on October 12 so you can enjoy all the end-of-season festivities.

The Sylvester Manor Farmstand is open this Thursday through Sunday, October 13, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with the same hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting on October 18.

A robust supply of pumpkins, gourds, cider and squashes will be on hand to celebrate autumn, with woodland-raised pork, pot pies, farm-raised whole chickens and many more ingredients for cool weather meals.

You can't miss the Kilb Farmstand's huge pumpkin sign as you head south on Route 114 toward the History Center. The stand has added pumpkins to the last

of the summer offerings, and fire wood is stacked for cold nights. The King Andrew Cheese wagon recently moved into its new location at the Kilb stand and is drawing fans of its wide assortment of cheeses.

The Pridwin has activities planned for families over the weekend, including a Bouncy Castle, Sack Races, Pumpkin Painting, Hay Rides, Pumpkin Bowling, Hot Chocolate and Caramel Apple making stations and the 1st annual bobbing for apples contest at 2 and 3:30 p.m., all on the hotel's front lawn and surrounding areas.

Buffets will be offered on Saturday and Sunday at $65 for adults, $25 for children. For information and reservations, visit caperesorts.com/pridwin/fall-fest

To whet your appetite, The Pridwin has shared its recipe for a seasonal treat.

Sour Cream Apple Pie

Components: Pie Crust, Custard Mixture, Crumb Topping.

In a mixing bowl, add flour, sugar, cinnamon and salt. Chop up butter into small cubes. Add to dry ingredients.

With your hands, mix together until it resembles coarse crumbs. Add liquids. Gently mix it together until it forms a ball.

*May add more water if mixture seems dry. Press dough down into a round, flat puck. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour.

On a lightly floured board, roll out dough until 1/8" thick, 12" in diameter. Dust top with flour. Fold in 1/2, then in 1/4.

Gently but quickly place folded wedge over pan with point at center of pan. Open up the fold to make it 1/2, then open the 1/2 to make it whole.

There should be a 1/2 " overhang. If more, trim with scissors. With the overhang of dough, fold it under itself and press down gently.

Crease the dough around pan using two fingers and thumb between which is the fluting technique. Refrigerate pie until ready to fill.

6 large Granny Smith apples (may use Empire, Cortlandt, Braeburn, Jonathan)

Place sour cream and eggs in a mixing bowl. Blend butter and sugar together and add to sour cream mixture.

This is to prevent lumps. Lastly, add vanilla and salt. Stir until blended. Set aside.

Preparing Apples

Peel skin with paring knife or potato peeler. Cut into quarters. Cut out the seeds and membranes.

Lay apple wedges on flat side and cut into 1/16" slices. Separate them and spread over custard mix. When done, stir apples to coat well.

Chop butter into small cubes, add flour, sugars and cinnamon. With your hands, mix together until butter is broken down a little more, to resemble coarse crumbs. Add walnuts and incorporate.


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Stir apples once more to coat. Add to pie shell. Immediately add crumbs to cover top of pie. Don't be timid to use all of crumb.

Place pie on sheetpan. Bake 60-70 minutes. Crumb will turn golden and filling will bubble and drip off pieshell; this is normal. Remove from oven to cool.

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