What was the WORST pain you've ever experienced in your entire life? - Off-Topic - Comic Vine

What was the WORST pain you've ever experienced in your entire life? - Off-Topic - Comic Vine

So, what was your worst physical pain you've ever had in your entire life thus far? Injuries, sickness or surgeries or medical procedures you had to have done etc?

Mine were 2. In Highschool way back, I took weight lifting and the machine was broken. Sadly I found out the hard way as it had just happened, so it was the butterfly machine and I had did the full 100 lbs, I handled the weight problem was one of the wires snapped and forced the weight to go down partially dislocating my left shoulder. It literally popped out and popped back in. This was first period, so it hurt like hell and me doing the stupid thing I just rubbed it the whole day. I didn't go home or to the nurse. I took off the next day to see the specialist, he told me "that was crazy to do that but must have a high pain tolerance because the shoulder rotator cuff part literally slipped out and back in, it was loose. I had to wear those harnesses for a few weeks and avoid lifting anything for a while. Thankfully it was better than getting fully dislocated and having to be put back in he said. That pain was intense, believe I was 17 at the time.

Then a second time, about 8 years ago I had an extraction at the Dentist and unfortunately had a rare complication called a "Dry Tooth" if you've ever had this you know it's incredibly painful, FAR worse than the shoulder. So pretty much what this is is once the tooth is pulled, it has to clot to and heal to block air hitting the bone. Well, mine didn't clot properly so every time I opened my mouth, ate, breathed hurt like hell. You can't talk, can't sleep, can't focus all you feel is excruciating pain. So I had to go back to the dentist ASAP, he had to numb me with more shots again adding even more pain and clean it out and put this firm medical gel like substance in the tooth hole to block air from hitting the tooth in between the gum tissue. On top of that, I was given Tylenol with Codeine, that is prescribed because it hits hard and will kill pain fast. So I had to sip on that every 6 hours along with numbing medication for my mouth and a prescribed orajel. That was not fun at all, took at least week and half for the pain to go away, then had to go back and have him sew the opening shut usually it heals on it's own but he had to speed up the process so to speak. I was also given antibiotics for 2 weeks. It's essentially the worst possibly tooth pain you can have. Worst pain in my life!

So what are your experiences with horrible physical pain?

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